The celebrations graced by the Head of Public Service, Dr. Joseph Kinyua, EGH who represented President Uhuru Kenyatta, saw CDA scoop an award in the category of ‘Digitization of Public Service’. The three-day event was geared towards celebrating public servants and the services they offer to the public. The Authority is at the forefront in innovating technologies that transform and make public service delivery more efficient.
Presenting the award to CDA Managing Director Dr. Mohammed Keinan and Chairman Mr.Philip Charo, the head of Public Service Dr. Joseph Kinyua acknowledged the government's effort in creating an inclusive environment by use of technology to enable innovative public service delivery. As the country balances between a sophisticated young citizenry and limited resources, it is of fundamental importance that the public servant is innovative and resourceful to ensure we make a difference in this nation.\

The celebrations come at a time when countries in the world are battling COVID 19. We all learnt the importance of self-reliance and having working systems in place to help in offering public services to the public. Many opportunities for creativity were created leading to the enhancement of the country’s e- citizen services thereby improving and bringing closer service delivery to the people.
During her address the Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Prof. Margret Kobia appreciated the exemplary work civil servants exhibited during the COVID 19 pandemic by going out of their way to work and deliver in very risky situations. She however challenged all the civil servants to be ‘servants to the public’ by ensuring efficient service delivery in all the aspect of public service.
The Africa Public Service Day celebration was a 3-day affair that brought together Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and the County Government who showcased outstanding innovations that have transformed public service delivery at an exhibition that commenced on the 21st June to 23rd of June.