Waste Water Treatment System Project at Shimo La Tewa Prison

The Shimo La Tewa Prison Project involved upgrading of the existing facilities in the prison so as to improve the living conditions and reduce health risks of the approximately 2500  prisoners  and  1500 staff. The ultimate goal of this project was to demonstrate a sustainable manner of pollution control of Mtwapa  Creek. 

The  Shimo La Tewa  demonstration project  was one of the most  important demonstration projects that was being supported by the  WIO-LaB  project in the Western  Indian  Ocean (WIO) region. The project  through  demonstration  of sustainable approaches for effective management and protection of the marine environment  was supposed to not only transform the way the coastal and marine issues are tackled at both local and regional level, but also have  a potential to  yield important regional and global environmental benefits.

The specific objectives of the project were as  follows:

  1. Design and construct a constructed wetland  facility at the Shimo La Tewa  Prison. 
  2. Improve sanitation at the Prison.
  3. Pro mote and demonstrate the re-use of treated wastewater from the constructed  wetland system  in aquaculture.
  4.  Promote education and awareness among the inmates and Prison Staff of the prison.      
  5. Enhance the capacity of the prison to manage the constructed  wetland treatment system and related  facilities in collaboration with other stakeholders.

The  project  was completed  and became operational  with minor correctional measures which were undertaken during the reporting period.
