The National Assembly committee on Regional Development Authorities (RDA) held meetings with the Coast Development Authority stakeholders within the Coast Region on the proposed Regional Development proposed bill 2023.
The committee headed by Hon. Peter Lochakapong and deputized by Hon. Mary Wamaua has been inviting members of the public and organizations to attend the public hearings in order to submit their views in regards to the bill.
The principle objective of the bill is to consolidate the laws relating to Regional Development Authorities and provide for the establishment, powers and functions of all the RDA’s and seek for standardization of their functions.
In one of their sittings hosted by CDA, the committee received divergent views from participants including the issue of inclusivity among women and the youth. Youths who attended the meeting
talked about having a myriad of problems and needed to be involved in decision making processes without being asked for work experiences.
In other subsequent public hearings, members of the public also presented their submissions to the committee which promised to take the proposals seriously. The bill when passed will strengthen the workings of all the Regional Development Authorities for the benefit of Kenya in General.
Despite most challenges that the RDA’s face, the committee was able to pick up achievements of the Authorities and how they have managed to transform the lives of Kenyans especially in ASAL areas.